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Topaz berkshire

13.10.2009 - 7.4.2011

About Pekoe

We adopted Pekoe from a rat show, along with his brothers Pester and Spruce -  three delightfully cheeky and gorgeous little fuzzlets to be company for our lonely Dash who had recently lost his friends.

Pekoe (a.k.a. Peeks) was n
amed after orange pekoe tea, due to his slightly rusty orange colour and his love of 'steeping' himself in the water bowl.  He was an odd character.... he seemed to be the boss rat, always instigating the wrestling matches, but once you held him he would go all limp in your hands and enjoys a licky scritch.  He had such a sweet innocent expression that reminded me so much of Stattles.

Peeks grew into a huge squish of a rat.  He was always a gentle, sweet natured fuzz, never causing any trouble... well, other than pushing others away from the food bowl so he could eat most of it himself.  We will miss our cuddles, his charming soft squishiness, but most of all his sweet, gentle nature.  Farewell Pekoe.

Photos of Pekoe

Tiny and cute on the day we brought him home.

He was a gorgeous friendly little fuzzlet.

Very nosy.

Looking adorably cute as he peeks out of the clubhouse roof.

He's growing into a big teen fuzz already.

He LOVES to play in water, all the better when there's peas to fish for!

He's remarkably squishy for a young rat and loves to be held and scritched.

Looking charmingly dignified for a moment.

He was an adorable big squish

Tales of Pekoe

More tales of Pekoe and his friends on the Ratty Ramblings page.

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