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Agouti self

DOB:  January 2008 - June 2010

About Dash

We adopted Dash (and his buddy Zipper) from a member of our local rat club.  A pair of adorably cute and incredibly boisterous little 5 week old fuzzlets.

Dash (aka Dashy, DishDash, The Dashing One) was so named as he had a gentle and handsome suaveness which made him rather dashing.  And because he dashed about madly after Zipper.  And because he was mostly a calm, good rat with just a dash of cheekiness.

Dash had the most pristinely perfect agouti self coat without a single bit of white on him anywhere.  He was sleek and glossy and dark on top with a lovely warm soft grey belly that begged to be squished.  He was a sweet natured rat who was very gentle and loved to whisker my face and softly snuggle up under my chin.  But when he was playful he would leap about in a mad frenzy.

He grew into a big squish of a boy and remained quite the charmer in his old age.  Always dignified and gorgeous and ready for a cuddle.  He happily accepted new fuzzlets after Zippy left us and became a wonderful Big Uncle Dash to Pekoe, Pester and Spruce.  A beautiful gentle old fuzz with lots of patience and character.

Dash left us suddenly and unexpectedly.  We just found him in the cage one day, peacefully asleep in his foofferdome.  A fittingly gentle passing for a wonderful rat.  We'll miss you Big Dashy!

Photos of Dash

He as so tiny when we first adopted him, he looked like a little wild mouse.

Such a sweet agouti face.

He's rather dashing.  Lock up your girl rats!

Getting more charming as he grows up.

Hanging about in a boot

Quite comfy in a pumpkin

Enjoying some melon with his buddy, Zip

Smiling from the clubhouse window.

Tales of Dash The Wildefuzz

The Wildefuzz

I call Dash my 'wildefuzz' (i.e. wild rat).  He looks like the perfect little wild rat, with his dark agouti coat without a splash of white anywhere.  He's lean and neat and sleek and a little bit shy and nervous.  He even acts like a wild rat, sneaking along walls and darting here and there with graceful speed.  He stashes everything.  Art run time he's intent on patrolling the room to make sure it's all safe and then moving things about to where he wants them.  But he's not quite as wild as he'd have you believe... he loves to be on my lap.  Not necessarily to be enthusiastically scritched and cuddled, but just to sit there and be talked to and stroked.  He likes to keep me in dignified company while Zippy zooms about the room in his usual silly bounciness.  When I hold him up to my face he just places one hand on my nose and stares straight into my eyes.  No squirming, no licking, no mad sniffing, just a calm dignified gaze of ratty intelligence.

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More tales of Dash and his friends on the Ratty Ramblings page.

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