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Mink berkshire.

13.10.2009 - 6.8.2010

About Pester

We adopted Pester from a rat show, along with his brothers Pekoe and Spruce -  three delightfully cheeky and gorgeous little fuzzlets to be company for our lonely Dash who had recently lost his friends.

Pester (a.k.a. Pesto, Pesty, Pest) was so named because he would pester us constantly.  He was always buzzing about in your face, up your nose, snuffling in your ears, trying to get into your mouth or eat your hair.  You shooed him away and he immediately tried again and again.  <sigh>  If he wanted to go somewhere you don't want him to he'd just keep on trying over and over and over again, completely exasperating, but hilariously silly.  As usual the 'mad mink' in the group was the trouble maker.  Isabelle (our daughter) loved him!  As soon as we opened the cage door he would leap out onto the sofa arm and run along the backrest to get to the windowsill.  Issy would squeal "naughty rat!" with utter delight and grab him and put him back in the cage.  Of course, they'd do this over and over and over again, neither of them ever getting bored with the entertainment.

He was a gorgeous silvery mink colour with a perfect white berkshire belly.  Lean and fast and hyperactive he was the smallest of his brothers.  He had the trademark 'mad mink' cheeky expression on his face that just looked like lots of trouble, especially when it was snuffling right there in your face.

Pester grew into a handsome, lithe adult ratty.  Always perfectly groomed and neat, despite being constantly up to mischief.  He loved the highest tube loft in The Grotto and spent hours just watching everything going on in our home from his favourite perch.  No doubt plotting ways to escape so he could explore it all.

We lost Pester very unexpectedly at only 10 months of age from respiratory illness.  He was way too young and full of life and love and character to have left us so soon.  We all miss you so much, Pesty.

Photos of Pester

Cute and cheeky.

His gorgeous white belly.

In one of his rare quieter, dignified moments.

I'm as big as Uncle Dash!

His white head spot was very distinct for a few days before his adult coat came in.

Having a tea party with Isabelle.

Being naughty.

There's not much of him to squish, but he's so cute in your hands.

Looking all grown up.

Tales of Pester

Coming soon!

More tales of Pester and his friends on the Ratty Ramblings page.

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